Head Start
Our Head Start program serves children from three to five years of age in a preschool program with varying program options.
Extended Day Head Start serves children six hours a day, Monday thru Thursday, July thru June with no cost to families. Classes are from 8:30am to 2:30pm or 8:00am to 2:00pm.
Head Start Wrap-Around Care serves children 9.5 hours a day, Monday thru Friday, Year-Round. Growing Futures typically pays for a portion of these services and the family pays for a portion of these services. Classes are from 7:15am to 4:30pm. We utilize the HighScope Curriculum, which is designed to develop social competencies, as well as math, science and writing skills that children need to enter kindergarten, successfully.

Families must reside within the current Shawnee Mission School District boundaries. To see these boundaries, click here.
Priority is given to families with incomes at or below the federal poverty level (readjusted annually by the federal government). See current guidelines here.

Parents must be working and/or in school at least 30 hours/week during hours of operation (for Wrap-Around-Care).

Children must meet the age guidelines for the program. The Head Start program accepts children ages 3 or 4 years old by August 31.